Thursday, July 29, 2010

Hotter Than The 4th of July!!!

I've almost neglected my responsibility of updating my blog monthly. This month has been full of transitions for me...2 lunar eclipses, 1 full moon, 1 crazy Yorkshire Terrier in need of medication, 1 crazy mechanic that needs some fixing himself and a brand new job in a brand new city. I'm in the final stages of negotiating a home for my business. It's narrowed down to two great locations, either of which I would be happy with. I'm happy, tired, losing weight (in a good way), energized and getting the best sleep in my life. My "radar" is supercharged and my ability to assess people and situations is scary dead on. I can only believe this is another page turner in the chapter of the book of my life. I haven't baked anything in almost 3 weeks and I miss creating desserts. I hope to have a test kitchen set up soon so I can get started! Enough for now. Ciao!

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