Thursday, February 18, 2010

Heather P. - This is For You!!!

I was having a leisurely breakfast with my friend in Atlanta, when we struck up a conversation with our waitress. She had a lovely personality, pretty, great vibe and spirit. She was comfortable, mature, and funny. One thing led to another and I felt compelled to give her my business card, tell her of my upcoming plans for opening a business and asked her to take my card. Well, call it Karma, Kizmit, Good Vibrations, whatever - she had a degree from culinary school and knows pastry!!! Score!!! Heather...this is for you! I hope you remember me, keep my card and remember our conversation. I think you would be a perfect addition to my new shop and hope you'll be available when the time comes. I trust my instinct, and I KNOW you will be a perfect member of our team.

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