More time has passed than I care to mention since I've last updated this. Upon the urgings of friends and family, I'm carving out a few minutes to explain my absence and post again. I was busy building my business when I received news that a close friend of 25 years suddenly passed away in her sleep. My shock and devastation were deep. It touched every aspect of my life and I withdrew. I mustered enough courage to board a train and meet up with my daughter - who drove me to her funeral services. It make me reflect on our close friendship, tradgedies and triumphs we've shared, and life experiences that made us who we are. I vowed not to let another day pass without reaching out to friends and telling them how much I love them. It's made me look at my friends and decide who was worthy and who chose to make me an option rather than a priority. (In case you haven't figured me out - I take my friendships VERY seriously - it's one of life's treasures). I'm back now...stronger than ever...and more committed to fulfilling my dream of my dessert shop. I've been busy with planning wedding cakes, bridal shower cookies, and real estate searches. My latest creation is for a customer who simply said.."I'd like some cupcakes that will make me smile". Here they are...enjoy!
Oh...and I'd like to dedicate this post to my friend Lillian Laverne Lewis aka "Cookie". Now you can rest.